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    Foxconn 結果共97筆

  • Terry Gou’s election exit eases Foxconn, Apple Inc. concerns

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has stepped out of the election race, potentially benefiting the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and providing relief to both Foxconn and Apple Inc. Gou’s withdrawal has reassured Foxconn’s leadership team, while his potential candidacy was seen as potentially complicating matters for Apple. Gou and actress Tammy Lai had secured the necessary endorsements to qualify for the race but faced allegations of bribery and data-buying during the campaign. After failed collaborations between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), Gou chose to withdraw, stating it was for the future of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and to facilitate a political power transition. Gou’s previous poll support was below 10 percent, and concerns had arisen regarding Foxconn’s operations in China, though the Chinese government imposed only a minor penalty, easing concerns within Foxconn.
    2023/11/25 16:32
  • Terry Gou supporters shocked, disappointed by withdrawal

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has withdrawn from the race for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election, surprising his supporters. Gou had previously secured enough signatures to make a bid for the presidency. The announcement came just as the registration for the presidential and legislative elections closed. Despite expressing disappointment, supporters respected Gou’s decision for the greater good. Gou’s withdrawal followed a request from Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je, which caused discontent among his supporters. Gou had campaigned in Chiayi City, where he had support from the "Friends of A-Ming" group. The group had successfully reached the petition threshold, but were not forewarned about Gou’s decision. In his withdrawal statement, Gou emphasized his unwavering spirit on the global business stage and his love for Taiwan’s people. He highlighted the importance of victory and regime change for Taiwan, stating that an unwillingness to compromise is unacceptable for those seeking political turnover.
    2023/11/25 10:59
  • Lai Pei-hsia has no plans to reapply for U.S. citizenship

    Terry Gou’s running mate, Lai Pei-hsia, has no plans to reapply for U.S. citizenship, according to Gou’s campaign spokesperson. Press asked about Lai’s U.S. tax records, but it was deemed a private matter. Terry Gou announced his withdrawal from the presidential race through a statement image file, without further elaboration. Lai had previously renounced her U.S. citizenship to run for office alongside Gou.
    2023/11/24 17:45
  • Ko Wen-je vows ’strongest team’ for Taiwan’s 2024 election

    Taipei’s 2024 presidential and vice-presidential election registration countdown is underway. Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je aims to form the "strongest team," while Kuomintang presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih urges opposition unity. Ko and Foxconn founder Terry Gou have retrieved candidacy registration papers, indicating their potential entries. Efforts to consolidate opposition parties have stalled, with integration progress close to collapsing. Consensus among the parties has yet to be reached as the registration deadline approaches. The prospect of a ’Hou-Ko pairing’ relies on Ko’s decision. Taiwan’s political landscape remains uncertain as the 2024 elections approach.
    2023/11/23 12:44
  • Foxtron marks milestone with record n7 EV model pre-orders

    Foxtron, a joint venture of Yulon Motor’s Luxgen Motor, has received over 9,100 pre-orders for its n7 electric vehicle (EV), making a significant impact on Taiwan’s domestic EV industry. Deliveries of the highly anticipated n7 model are set to begin in mid-January next year and be completed by the end of June. The n7’s pre-order numbers, achieved in just two days, equal three years of total EV sales in Taiwan, signaling a bright future for the EV market. Foxconn CEO Young Liu, leading the electric transformation of the trillion-dollar corporation, sees the increasing global competition in the EV sector as beneficial for Foxconn and its business models. Platformization, modularization, and standardization are key strategies for achieving cost control and timely product launches, which are at the core of Foxconn and Foxtron. The n7 model, benefiting from the shared platform provided by Foxtron, enjoys a competitive edge in cost, aligning with Foxconn’s global EV aspirations. The success of Foxtron’s n7 could potentially usher in a new era for Taiwan’s presence in the international EV landscape as the demand for sustainable transport continues to grow.
    2023/11/22 20:38
  • Taiwan’s FDI investment in ASEAN countries hits new high

    Taiwan’s foreign investment landscape has undergone a significant shift, with investments in Southeast Asia surpassing those in mainland China for the first time in 30 years. From January to October this year, Taiwan invested US$4.96 billion in Southeast Asia compared to US$2.63 billion in China. The total number of approved foreign investments during the same period decreased by 8.18%, totaling 1,864 investments. The total investment amount was US$8.39 billion, marking a 27.35% decrease compared to the previous year. Jiangsu Province emerged as the main beneficiary of Taiwan’s investments in mainland China this year. The changes in Taiwanese investment behavior can be attributed to shifts in global supply chains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the China-U.S. trade war. Notably, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Foxconn, and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation played a significant role in foreign investment, with TSMC investing US$8 billion in U.S. companies and €3.5 billion in German firms, while Foxconn and Yang Ming Marine each injected US$800 million into Singaporean businesses. This year marks the first time in three decades that investment in Southeast Asia has exceeded that in mainland China.
    2023/11/20 19:22
  • BCC Chairman urges Terry Gou to reassess presidential bid

    The Chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China, Chao Shao-kang, has urged Terry Gou, independent presidential candidate and founder of Foxconn, to reconsider his election bid in light of the recent consensus reached between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). Chao emphasized that Gou has already surpassed the nomination threshold and should step back, as he initially aimed to boost the KMT-TPP coalition. Although TPP candidate Ko Wen-je had considered an alliance with Gou, the formation of the coalition renders any significant change unlikely. Chao cautioned against excluding Gou and suggested integrating his influence into the coalition. He warned that failing to do so could pose problems if Gou continues his presidential run. Chao expressed confidence that Gou would not win the election and advised him to withdraw logically, rather than emotionally.
    2023/11/16 17:09
  • Ko is the main force splitting KMT votes: Yao Li-ming

    The story discusses the role of Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), in splitting the Kuomintang (KMT) votes since the 2018 Taipei Mayoral election. Yao Li-ming, campaign director for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te, claims that the DPP’s decision to nominate Pasuya Yao for the mayoral race was a strategic move to distinguish themselves from Ko. Yao also highlights how Ko has shifted his focus away from securing the green camp’s vote in the 2022 election. Additionally, Yao argues that the KMT and TPP cannot form a union due to their differing natures and suggests that the potential candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou has a greater impact on Ko and Hou than on Lai.
    2023/11/13 15:34
  • Gou criticizes talent loss due to poor national strategy

    Taiwanese billionaire and independent presidential candidate Terry Gou addressed the talent drain in Taiwan and its impact on the tourism industry. He highlighted how the lack of qualified personnel has affected the competitiveness of the industry, leading to a decline in domestic travel. Gou also linked this talent drain to the fertility crisis in Taiwan and the issue of female employment. He suggested that remote working could help parents balance work and family life, and called on the government to invest in software and hardware developments to support remote job positions. Gou criticized the ruling party, the Democratic Progressive Party, for its failure to propose effective strategies for economic growth and emphasized the need for industrial upgrades to sustain Taiwan’s competitiveness in export-driven industries.
    2023/11/08 19:57
  • Ukraine-born actress rumored to run for DPP candidacy

    Get the latest updates on the 2024 presidential elections in Taiwan, as Foxconn billionaire Terry Gou and former music show presenter Belle Yu enter the political arena. Ukrainian-born actress Larisa Angela Bakurova, who became a Taiwanese citizen, is rumored to be a candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party. Discover her inspiring journey in promoting gymnastics in Taiwan and her potential inclusion in the upcoming elections. Stay tuned for more information as factional variations within the DPP could influence the final candidate list.
    2023/11/06 20:52
  • Former legislator Chiu sees Gou as a force one can’t ignore

    The potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 presidential election is generating significant interest. Chiu Yi, a former legislator of the KMT and People First Party, has proposed a strategy to revive the KMT-TPP alliance, highlighting the strong candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou. Yi believes that the success of the alliance depends on the KMT’s commitment to open and democratic elections. He warns that the KMT’s lack of transparency in the primary election could lead to further issues, potentially making Gou a target for investigations. Yi suggests implementing open public voting during the primaries to prevent any hidden manipulation and emphasizes Gou’s significant support base, which cannot be ignored.
    2023/11/03 19:04
  • Taiwan and Germany boost industrial ties: Jörg Polster

    Explore the deepening industrial relationship between Taiwan and Germany as German Institute Taipei Director-General Jörg Polster praises the long-standing ties. Following TSMC’s announcement of its first European factory in Germany, Polster emphasizes mutual growth opportunities and highlights plans for student exchanges in 2024.
    2023/10/27 19:35
  • Terry Gou warns Taiwan risks missing next ’golden 30 years’

    Independent presidential candidate Terry Gou faces internal and external challenges, including petition issues, joint actions by the Kuomintang and Taiwan People’s Party, and poor poll ratings. The future of his campaign is uncertain as his company, Hon Hai’s subsidiary Foxconn, is under investigation by the Chinese Communist Party’s tax department.
    2023/10/27 15:04
  • Foxconn audit is’ normal law enforcement action’: Beijing

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has stated that the audit of Foxconn, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd, is a "normal law enforcement action." TAO Spokesperson Chu Feng-lien emphasized that China will continue to support Taiwanese businessmen and companies investing in mainland China. Chinese authorities aim to create a favorable development environment and improve policies for Taiwanese compatriots and businesses.
    2023/10/26 15:04
  • Lai urges China to value Taiwan firms’ contributions

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has called on Mainland China to appreciate the contributions of Taiwanese business people to its economy. This appeal comes as Foxconn Group, a major Taiwanese tech firm, faces investigations by China’s tax and natural resources departments. Lai emphasized that Taiwanese business people are an important asset to China, fostering economic growth and creating opportunities. He urged China not to pressure Taiwanese business people during the upcoming election, warning that it would harm both sides and undermine confidence in the Chinese market. Lai also called on China to respect Taiwan’s democratic constitution and lifestyle and to accept that the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists is over. He encouraged China to engage in equitable and dignified dialogue exchange.
    2023/10/24 13:40
  • Premier voices gov’t support for Hon Hai amid Chinese audits

    The Taiwanese government maintains communication with Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. amid Chinese tax and land audits. The inspections of Foxconn, a subsidiary of Hon Hai, have caused concern. The government emphasizes its commitment to supporting Taiwanese businesses.
    2023/10/23 17:57
  • NVIDIA and Foxconn unveil plans for AI factory collaboration

    NVIDIA and Foxconn strengthen their collaboration in AI and vehicle technology through an innovative "AI factory" initiative. Get insights into their strategic partnership at the Hon Hai Tech Day.
    2023/10/18 16:24
  • Hon Hai Chairman wishes founder happy birthday on Tech Day

    Foxconn Chairman Young Liu extends birthday wishes to founder Terry Gou and wishes him success in the presidential election at Hon Hai’s Tech Day. Prominent industry figures, including NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang, attended the event. Liu highlights the company’s launch of various products in the past three years, emphasizing the CDMS business model’s ability to offer comprehensive and customization solutions for the automotive industry. He also outlines Foxconn’s sustainability goals, pledging zero carbon emissions by 2050 and commitment to cleaner, eco-friendly, and smarter solutions.
    2023/10/18 15:29
  • Terry Gou proposes "two-round voting system" for Taiwan

    Taiwan’s independent presidential candidate, Terry Gou, has made his move ahead of the impending 2024 presidential race, proposing the notion of a "two-round voting system" on Tuesday evening (Oct. 17). In a Facebook post, the Foxconn founder expressed the need for constitutional reform in the existing system, criticizing the divide of power and responsibility between the president and the Premier. He advocates for reform to a ’double-leadership’ structure, aligning both power and responsibility with the position of president.
    2023/10/18 11:01
  • 黃仁勳親替鴻海電動車簽名 樂喊「劉揚偉是我朋友、晚上夜市見」

    鴻海科技日今(18)日登場,重量級嘉賓輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳出席,並在台上與鴻海董事長劉揚偉對談。現場也展示鴻海一系列電動車,包括Model B以及在台灣以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售的Model C。有趣的是,黃仁勳今早也在劉揚偉陪同下,親自在納智捷n7車身上簽名,並讚嘆該款電動車令人驚艷,「To Young and my friend at Foxconn, beautiful and amazing EVs. Jensen Huang」,展現兩人的好交情。
    2023/10/18 10:40
  • Terry Gou supports ex-president’s decision on National Day

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou expresses support for former President Ma Ying-jeou’s decision to boycott the national day celebration in Taiwan. Gou criticizes President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te for their views on national identity, particularly Tsai’s renaming of the holiday to "Taiwan National Day."
    2023/10/03 12:30
  • Gou’s signature drive postponed amid data security concerns

    Terry Gou’s independent presidential campaign faces a delay as cybersecurity concerns prompt the postponement of the signature drive. Supporters await further developments in the signature collection process, which is crucial for his 2024 presidential candidacy.
    2023/09/20 19:40
  • Race against time: VP hopeful Lai faces citizenship dilemma

    The issue of vice presidential candidate Lai Pei-hsia’s dual nationality has captured the nation’s attention immediately following Foxconn Founder Terry Gou’s announcement of his running mate.
    2023/09/15 17:59
  • Lai Pei-hsia asks Terry Gou to lift Taiwan’s slowing economy

    Vice presidential candidate Lai Pei-hsia joins forces with Foxconn founder Terry Gou for the 2024 Presidential Election, aiming to attract overseas Taiwanese businesspeople and boost the nation’s economy. Get the latest on this partnership.
    2023/09/14 16:46
  • Terry Gou selects ‘Wave Makers’ actress as VP candidate

    Business tycoon Terry Gou partners with entertainer Lai Pei-hsia for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan. Gou emphasizes gender equality and Lai’s impressive credentials — a unique blend of business and entertainment for a new era in Taiwanese politics.
    2023/09/14 16:07
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